Asturian Adventures Just Around the Riverbend

Our Asturian Adventures have been a blast!

This past Sunday we had our adventure down the Sella River and I am happy to report that no one overturned their kayak! Woohoo! Small victories must be celebrated! According to our guides, the river’s water level was not too high, not too low, but juuuuuust right. We kayaked 7 kilometers (about 4 miles) and finished the descent with lunch, sun, and a bit of fun. To give you an idea of the ambiance, here’s a video!

We kayaked 7 kilometers (about 4 miles) and finished the descent with lunch, sun, and a bit of fun. To give you an idea of the ambiance, here’s a video!

A group of the students went to the edge of the river to take pictures and just enjoy the cold cold water. 

A couple of us came away from the trip with some sun burnt faces, but don’t worry, I tracked them down and held them down by force when necessary to apply sunblock the next day!

The next day we went to Gijón to see the coast, visit the Aquarium, and go to the beach! It was an especially windy day but we enjoyed it all the same. 

Since the beginning of the summer, us professors have kept it under wraps that we would be celebrating and having some fun on July 4th. Whenever the students would ask us, we would say that we would have normal classes and then celebrate later in the evening with the families. As the date crept up, they started to suspect that something was up because we were quick to dismiss the subject (hehehe). On Tuesday, we pulled the rug out from right under them and they were only too happy to celebrate the day. Here are pictures and videos of some of our activities and mini competitions. 

First, we have the students singing Oh Say Can You See that they translated from English to Spanish. Enjoy!

Since pouring Sidra is considered a useful talent here, Pablo took it upon himself to teach the students how to correctly pour Sidra and then make a competition of it!

Last but not least, we ended the day with a July 4th celebration with the host families all together! It was great fun.

Till next time!


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