¡Buen Camino!

This long but fun week has finally come to an end!
To give you a clue, we’ve had an excursion or activity every day this week except Wednesday. Monday was Gijón, Tuesday we celebrated the 4th of July, on Thursday we visited the local government office and met the Mayor (photos below!), and Friday and Saturday found us in beautiful Santiago de Compostela.

Elizabeth received some unique gifts from her "Amigo Secreto"!
Every year, it’s been a tradition of the program to visit the local government for the students to learn about the people that help make Oviedo what it is. What isn’t always certain, is if the Mayor will be able to stop by and greet us. And this year (drumroll)………. he stopped by! His name is Wenceslao López Martínez. Molly, having read about him in the local newspaper, was very excited to meet him as shown in the picture below    

The town hall sits in the center of the city and it is where all festivals start with the official “Let the festivities begin!”. Colin and a couple more got to have a go at practicing to the town square.

Mayor Wenceslao López Martínez

We finished the day anxious to get our next adventure started: Santiago de Compostela. After a 4-hour bus ride, we arrived in Santiago completely enchanted with the city. The students are starting to realize that time in Spain is almost up, and so they cherished every minute of the culture, history, and tradition that the city has to offer.

As you watch these videos, I apologize ahead of time as my voice can be heard in almost all of them (oops!!!!!!). Enjoy!

The line to get into the Cathedral was exceptionally long!

Next week we visit the Asturian Parliament and continue to enjoy every minute of Oviedo.


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